🎊-ACTUAL comment I heard while in the store planner aisle… NEW YEAR, NEW DECADE, NEW MOMENTUM COMING AT YOU!!

👉Since everyone loves to question how I stay organized and seemingly do all the things… 

📯HERE’S MY SECRET…A FABULOUS PLANNER! Knowing what’s on my schedule facilitates spontaneous decision making for extra sparks of joy on a whim 

🏵Notice the progression here! As the year progressed, the business ventures changed, the demands on my schedule shifted SO DID MY PLANNER. I am now on an hourly planning system because that is what works best for me. 

🏵Important qualities for my planning system are motivational quotes, aesthetic, design, and lots of space for my many scribbles. My planners keep me accountable and serving you all with my utmost. 

🏵So cheers to a NEW YEAR and may you all continue to SHIMMER and SHINE like everything divine in this world. Schedule a FREE discovery call with me if you deserve an integrative ally on your health team to embrace this new year. 

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