☀️As the seasons begin to change and SPRING IS COMING, Dr Lillea continues to offer immune booster shots at ALULA Hair + Health and Saguaro Blossom Medical Center!!  ☀️Get essential B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B12) AND a homeopathic antiviral injectable in a...


🏵Featured here is a vector of yellow fever called the Aedes aegypti mosquito.  📃The plaque reads:  “The Smithsonian’s Walter Reed Mosquito Unit holds over 1.5 million mosquitoes. These specimens help scientists track the spread of diseases such as Zika, yellow fever,...

🔎What’s this?🔍

🐲These are pangolin (Manis spp.) scales. The 4 pangolin species are native to Asia but are heavily trafficked internationally.  😅Why does this matter?  🐜 According to EcoHealth Alliance: “Pangolins themselves are not known to carry any viruses which can infect...


🐢Turtles🐢 These water loving reptiles can play host to Salmonella!! 💉 A case report of a rheumatoid arthritis patient receiving therapeutic biological injections for treatment along with a few other compiled case reports indicated that patients receiving...

📯Announcing a package of 4 for cupping📯

💻Sit at a desk all day for work?  🧍‍♀️🧍‍♂️Stand all day for work?  💪 Have muscular tension from something else?  🎐Cupping is an effective pain management therapy that Dr. Lillea Hartwell offers at ALULA Hair + Health and her clinic Saguaro Blossom...