🤩I know I am working on re-establishing mine.👏 

👩‍⚕️In order to prosper in medical school, it seems I checked some of my creativity at the door! 

💡I am embracing it wholeheartedly and I commit to continue doing that work to spark and maintain my fire 🔥during these unprecedented and uncertain times. 🦠

All my life I have worked hard…but I also enjoy a bit of balance by indulging in my hobbies and passions. 

This morning I cleared my schedule to be creative in stress management. I PAINTED! It brings me such joy and I can sit with my thoughts. 

This quote in particular has been weighing on my mind and I want to share: “life will always support that which supports life.” 

If finding your purpose is something you’re struggling with or if your health is limiting you achieving your purpose, I can assist! 🙌

🔎What hobbies and passions have you all been diving into during these times of transformation and awakening? 

Check out my services by visiting the services tab. 💻 

😃Sending smiles and sunshine☀️ 

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